Work-life Balance

Work-life Balance

Today we will talk about work/life balance, this is very important to keep you sane and to get your work done perfectly, you don’t want to be that guy or this girl who is watching youtube videos during working hours, you don’t want to be seen as workaholic replying to...Read more
Working remotely – how to start?

Working remotely – how to start?

We are living in quite dangerous world, a threat to human life is more common, if not terrorist attacks, angry people who knows how to use knife for something else than cutting a steak, or some coronavirus and any other virus we can get which can lead to death, these...Read more
Working remotely – the history and my personal take

Working remotely – the history and my personal take

History Working remotely also called telecommuting, teleworking, mobile work, working from home is a special work arrangement in which instead of travelling to a place of work we are able to do all the tasks in comfort of our home. It is worth mentioning that term “home” can mean anything,...Read more