Spring cleaning your office, the actual and digital one!

If you are one of the people who spend last year working and being at home most of the time, you might not realised that it is a time to tidy up your office.
Start with the plan, dust your drawers, bookshelves, desks, blinds, computers, accessories and other items you have in your office space. Then start sanitising everything you touch frequently, like the keyboard, mouse, phone and other accessories you use on daily basis.
To combat germ buildup, I recommend cleaning mouse and keyboard every day after you finish work for a day. You can do it using products which contain either bleach or alcohol, for lazy ones, there are special cleaning clothes and wet wipes made for that purpose. I absolutely love using my new mechanical keyboard, there is so much satisfaction from using it and love the feedback but amount of dirt building behind the keys is astronomous, the only way to keep it pristine is to clean it every single day!
Once you cleaned all your devices, try to declutter your physical and digital spaces. Go through any loose papers and file, shred or recycle them, over a period of time you may create little notes here and there but they all have some sort of “expiry date”, it is easy to give it a miss unintentionally!
It is worth mentioning that if you don’t already have a filing system, now is the best time to create one. From now on, this will help you being more organised. It will be so much easier to find what you need saving you time and potential frustration.
When cleaning physical spaces you cannot miss your digital space, start with phone, tablet and finish with your work computer, see if there are any apps or programs you have installed but not using them at all, it is time to get rid of them. Same goes for documents, while doing it all, make sure you filter your emails, create folders or mailboxes to keep the correspondence more organised. Once you finish cleaning everything to a stage when you will be happy with the result and you will know where everything is, schedule a backup, keep at least two copies of the backup and maintain this weekly or monthly, depending on how much data you actually create and how important it is, you may even want to consider daily backups !
Have you started your Spring cleaning process yet? Let me know in the comments section below.
All the best,