20 useful tips for those who work from home – PART 2
Last week we have looked at first 10 pro tips for working from home users, today we have a list of further 10 tips.
These days many are working from home as a result of Covid pandemic.
Whichever job could have been done in office environment is likely to be done from comfort of your home. If you are just starting your trip or perhaps you are doing it for a while but struggle with it, these tips will help you to stay productive and maintain the balance.
There always be challenges to face, not only because we all have different personalities, but also due to our various lifestyle choices and the type of work we do. There are still many of the core issues we face as remote workers and they happen to be the same.
Every person who started the remote work journey has to figure out when to work, where to work and how to create boundaries between your work and personal life. How about your office equipment, career development and progression, training opportunities, building relationships with clients as well as your colleagues?
Here is the list of further 10 tips leading a better, more productive and happier life based on combined experience of mine and people I have worked with:
1. Socialise with your colleagues
Loneliness, disconnect and isolation are the most common problems in remote work life, especially for those who describe themselves as extroverts. Companies with a remote work culture usually offers ways to socialise. For example, there could be some meeting chat room so people can talk about their interests, hobbies, meet-ups for people in the same region as well as in-person retreats.
It is very important to figure out how much of the interaction you need to feel connected and included. Worth pointing that even if you are highly introverted and do not like socialising, give a few interactive experiences a try so that you are at least familiar with them and you might be surprised that you will like one or some of them.
2. Show up to all meetings and make sure to be heard
Certainly, you will take part in video meetings and conference calls, but it is a good idea to attend optional meetings too. Be sure to speak up during the meeting so everyone knows you are on the call. A simple “thanks, bye” at the close of a meeting can really highlight your presence.
3. Get some face time
I’m not talking about the Apple device feature to communicate with people. I’m more focused on making sure that you are seen and can have proactive chats with your management on one to one basis when you can discuss the roadmap, the future goals and your career progression. Make sure to setup calls like that, it will not only look good that you have a clear path and want to follow it but also people in charge will see that you are fully connected and care about the company progress.
4. Don’t be afraid to take sick days
When you are not feeling well, take sick days. You are working from home and staying at home constantly but don’t be fooled that you are expected to work all the time, if you are unwell, you need some sleep and you cannot work as damage you cause by working sick will be definitely greater than gains.
5. Look for courses and training opportunities
Not being at actual office can lead you to missing out important events or trainings, be sure to stay connected and alarmed about these as you definitely want to anticipate in them. There are many online courses that can be organised and can make you learn something useful. Always speak up to make sure you are included.
6. Make sure to over communicate !
Working remotely forces you to over communicate. Tell everyone that you need to know about your schedule and availability often. When you finish a project or any other important task, say it ! Over communicating does not necessarily mean you have to write an essay to explain your every move but it does mean repeating yourself. Make sure you are heard!
7. Be positive and stay this way
You might be an excellent with people but it must be said that during written chats, emails etc, you may even come across rude to some, it is all depends what tone of your voice is actually playing in their mind right now. When working remotely you must be positive all the time so you will minimise the risk of being heard negative. Embrace that exclamation point! Find some friendly and smiley emoji’s, they might not be seen as professional but they will help keeping you sane.
8. Take advantage of your perks around you.
Remember that you are not spending time or money on commuting, this time is your free-up time which you can use for whatever matters to you the most. There are many other perks from working remotely, make sure to use them wisely!
9. Do not be too hard on yourself
The most successful remote employees have a reputation for being extremely disciplined. After all, it takes serious focus to do any full time office hob from an unconventional space. That said, everyone lets their attention drift sometimes. If you find yourself working one minute and booking flights for your next holidays, don’t reprimand yourself too harshly. Instead, you got to ask yourself where her people in an office setting would do the same thing. If the answer is yes, then cut yourself some slack, then go back to work. Above all, make sure to remember that you need to balance productivity with self-care, otherwise there will be very realistic risk of burning out.
10. End your date with a routine
Just same as you should start your day with a routine, make sure to create a habit that signals the close fo the workday. It might be a sign off on a business messaging app, an evening walk in the park, or 6pm meditation. Something as simple as shutting down your computer and turning on your favourite podcast or youtube movie will qualify too. Whatever you choose to do, do it consistently to mark the end of working hours.
Bonus TIP: Make it all Personal
Above all else, figure out what works best for you. Sometimes the answer is apparent, but other times you might need some inspiration from other people who are in the same boat as you. A supportive community of remote workers does exist, wherever you find them within your company Skype or Slack chat or online through blogs, twitter, or reddit. Consider that you might need to shakeup your routine once in a while…
Are there any tips you’d like to add? Do you have problems with implementing anything into your daily routine? Make sure to let me know in the comments section below.
All the best,