How to improve your mood by changing your morning routine!

There are many articles or even videos showing you how most successful people are starting their days, you only hear about organised scheduled and not how they hitting “snooze” five times on their alarm before they negotiate them out of the bed, checking all social media and procrastinating before they stand up.
During cold days like now, no one really want to stand up, all you get is feeling lazy, cold, anxious and lethargic. So how to actually start the day to feel better and more positive.
The key is to set this all up in your head, you need to plan certain auctions before you go to bed night before, you need to start somewhere so making a plan for your morning routine will be a really good start.
First, appreciate the silence. Try to find a quiet place in your home where you can meditate, control your breath, think about positive vibes, if you wish, play some relaxing music. The process starts before you go to sleep so I would strongly advise to “silence” yourself at least half an hour before hitting a bed, then you should have a good sleep and when you wake up, try to get out from the bed to address these things you have planned. It will help with the process.
Second interesting factor to try is affirmation. You need to know your goals and what you wish to achieve, with that in mind, stand in front of your mirror and start making promises to yourself that you will do this or that in order to get closer to your goal. Make sure you feel confident and serious, it will help in the process. It will only take 10-30seconds each morning but it will build a habit over a time and strengthen your attitude towards your own promises.
Have you ever tried visualisation? Yes, the third way to create a positive vibe around you is to visualise things. It is a process of intensively thinking about a task or achievement without actually doing it, after time this process will become normal and your visualised achievements will be part of your brain culture and would just be expected. Things you never dreamed to achieve will became available within your reach, as long as you believe in them.
The fourth concept of creating your better day is to do some journaling, that is right, why not taking a notepad and writing your feelings like what is a source of your stress, what are you thankful for and what would you like to bring to your life or what are you missing. With intentional ten minutes long dedication every day, you will find all your thoughts on the paper, and it will be easier to deal with problems or appreciate small things once you have them physically upfront of you.
Reading will be a fifth part of improving your mindset for a day. Morning reading has completely different purpose to your normal reading practise. It is good to read motivational or practical stuff which will make your life more productive and in general – more happy ! It will also be a pleasure and somewhat stress reduction activity.
The sixth sense would be your morning exercise. While keeping your mind healthy you cannot forgot about your actual body. Morning routine like that will help you reducing stress and anxiety as well as will have a positive impact on your life. Spending 20-30 minutes per day looking after your body will give you a nice self confidence mood for the rest of your day.
If you try these six simple tips every day, for 7-14 days you should start building a healthy habit and installing a certain pattern in your brain, after time these small tasks will be done almost on autopilot and you will see guaranteed results of being much more happier regardless of weather or events you have no control over so why procrastinating, start today, or tomorrow !
I would love to hear if you have any morning routine yourself? Feel free to let me know in the comments section below.
All the best,