Do you want to work from home forever? Here is what you need to know

Many companies across entire globe are now announcing their plans to allow employees to work remotely on permanent basis.
Even if these come under shock and your employer hasn’t offered you this, you are in position to make the case to work remotely much easier since we’ve been all forced to do so for so long. Before you consider moving elsewhere (perhaps cheaper) to take advantage of the location, there are things to consider.
Make a statement
When you prepare for full time remote work, make sure you have build up some portfolio or specific examples of your performance over the last year – the goals you have achieved, solutions you came up with, basically a proof of the impact you had on the company you work for.
List all of any advantages your location has, check the time zones if they work best for your “at work” schedule. Trust is always the biggest factor when someone let employees to work remotely, be clear and transparent with your boss on what are your plans, how you are planning to communicate with team, what backup options you have if there will be some problems and why this might be beneficial not for you but for the company.
Ask about salary changes
Relocating often can affect your salary, benefits or even tax arrangements. You will need to do a research to see how this affects you personally. Make sure your salary will not be reduced because you chose to live in cheaper area, the amount and quality of work you providing would be at least the same as it is now or better, be controversial and ask for salary increase. At the end of the day you will be using your own living space for a main benefit of the company, it will affect your life around you and it is only up to you on what sort of impact this will have. In previous BLOG posts I have focused on ideas which will show you how to minimise such impact but it must be noted that it will always exist.
I was reading lately that large bank from Germany did a research and came up with an idea to tax all working remotely people with 5% suggested tax rate claiming we are not using resources around us, and it is bad for economy. Quite stupid idea as by us working remotely, we take care of the planet better, we also spend more on heating, electricity, bills in general. I guess if this will ever happen we can send all the bills including the rent for our home office studio or room to that very bank to pay for and I’m sure it will cost more than 5% they have suggested… Anyway I diverse.
Always have a plan “B”
Imagine you have relocated to some nice peaceful area where landscape is breathtaking, expenses are ridiculously low but there are absolutely no jobs within the are. What would you do if you get laid off one day? You may want to consider what your job prospects are within this new location and very new market to you. Of course there will be other remote opportunities but before you will start making any profit you absolutely need to build the trust first. Simply, make sure you have a plan B which usually have at least 6 months of your life expenses saved, always updated CV and knowledge of the market as well as consideration of going independent soletrader.
Establish what are your long term career prospects
If you are aware that most of your company employees will be returning to the office eventually and you might be one of the few remote team members, this can certainly affect your long-term career growth. It is very important to set clear plans on how you will keep your supervisors informed of your progress as well as you want to be proactive about communication to avoid facing disadvantage with other members of the company. On top of that, consider plans to return to your office at least couple of times every year to make you have face to face personal and emotional relationships within your team. It is all about maintaining…
Are you planning to work full time remotely? What steps have you taken? Have you hear of 5% tax idea for remote workers? What do you think about that?
Let me know in the comments section below.
All the best,